What is the March for Life?
We are still making plans for 2023! We appreciate your support as we reimagine what Washington State can be in the years and decades to come.
It’s a new day for the pro-life movement. Our support of women, babies and families is more important than ever. Please follow us on Facebook @WashingtonStateMarchforLife and stay tuned as we continue to build a culture that sees the infinite value of each and every person.
March for Life is a Washington state non-partisan, grassroots, all-volunteer organization dedicated to defending the inalienable right to LIFE of all babies, women and men.
We host a legislative rally in Olympia every January and we work 365 days a year with people of all ages and from a variety of backgrounds and beliefs to end abortion on-demand, provide life-affirming choices for women experiencing unplanned pregnancies and stand up for the infinite value of All Human Life – from conception to natural death.
“Happy New Year!
Please join us on Friday, January 22, 2021 on our Facebook page to be a part of our first (and hopefully only) March for Life! This will be the culmination of a WEEK FOR LIFE on our Facebook page.
While this isn’t ideal, we see this is the option most consistent with our mission, goals, and values.
The reason we gather in January, on a weekday, at the capitol, is because this part of the movement is focused on letting our lawmakers hear that message: Every life is infinitely valuable!
Our mission has always been clear. We mark the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade and bring Washingtonians to the State Capitol to let their legislators know that they are pro-life. Since legislators will be doing their work from their home districts (right in your neighborhoods!) we encourage you to reach out to them electronically or to meet with them in their district offices, if they are available to meet in person. We’ll provide information in the coming days on how to be most impactful!
We believe that human beings are a blessing and they are our greatest resource. Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness are not promises for just some– they must be accessible to all! We have gathered ceaselessly to share this message, every year since 1979. We look forward to seeing all your beautiful faces in person again in 2022. For now, we will be grateful to have your presence with us virtually for now.”
Applying the Life Principles
Realizing that no sound action can grow out of a vacuum of purpose, in 1974 the March For Life formulated and included in its charter of incorporation, the Life Principles, as shown above.

Our Founder, Kathy McEntee
The founder of the March For Life of Washington state was a tireless crusader for life. Her spirit lives on in the fight we continue in her memory.
1. What day is the Washington State March for Life?
The March for Life in Olympia is often on a different date from year to year, but is always within about the week of the anniversary of the Supreme Court decision, Roe vs. Wade, which decriminalized abortion. The Roe vs. Wade anniversary is January 22, 1973. The board of directors generally chooses a date that allows members of the Washington State delegation to attend the National March for Life in Washington, DC, which is always held on January 22, except when it falls on a weekend. The 2020 Washington State March for Life will be on Tuesday, January 21, at noon. Arrive early for parking and required walking.
2. Why do you hold the March for Life in Olympia? Wouldn't it be easier for people to make it on the weekend?
3. Where do people gather to start the March? What time?
4. What's on the March for Life program?
5. What do people bring to the March for Life?
We encourage people to wear warm clothing, scarves, hats, coats, etc. It can be exceedingly cold, rainy, windy, snowy, the day of the March and we want all participants to stay as warm and dry as possible.
6. Does the March for Life organization supply transportation to the annual event?
7. Who is in charge of the March for Life organization?
8. How can I find out who my legislators are?
9. How can I help?
Washington State March for Life
P.O. Box 64275
University Place, WA 98464
March for Life News
The March is once a year, but the movement will not cease until every life born and unborn, elderly, infirmed or diseased, is protected. Stay informed by reading our news or signing up to receive our news in your inbox.